Warmer weather derailed my snowshoeing plans for this weekend. Funny how I'm hoping for precipitation now, kind of a weird switch. Without a healthy layer of snow I'll likely mess up brand new snowshoes, so Zelda and I were absent from the trails this weekend, practicing bareboot around the local neighborhood. Hoping the snowfall picks up with all the planning I've been doing.
Turns out the "Southern NH" AMC guide is a great resource for winter hiking, and I've been able to find quite a few small gems close to the 93 corridor. Pulpit Rock Conservation Area has 200 Acres right on the Bedford/New Boston line! Also something cool I found near the coast is called the Sweet trail, leads from Longmarsh rd in Durham to the Great Bay Estuary in Newmarket. 4.3 miles of trail through several conservation areas, should be cool to see that kind of habitat in the winter. BearBrook and Pawtuckaway round out my warm up list, several hikes in those two parks will help me get my bearings before I start heading north. I figured it safe not to rush out and try to climb Tuckermans Ravine with all new gear, I'll gradually move up through the lakes region before I start hitting 4ks again. Little more long term but I do want to hike Jefferson and Willey/Field before the snow melts, if I have to start from twelve in the spring I'll regret it.
A smaller goal/quest I've undertaken this year is more of a relapse with a cute story. I'm trying to drink at least 1 Guinness everyday of 2011 ending on St. Patricks Day March 17th. Is it foolish? Probably. Will I succeed? Probably.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." ~T.S. Eliot
Patriots v Jets next Sunday, but now that I found hikes close to home I'm rolling next Saturday snow or not. See if I cant reawaken the inner hiking animal with these Yaktrax, here's a video from Tubbs on my new shoes I'll never get to use.
I love Pulpit Rock. It's gorgeous in the spring and summer when the river and little falls are going pretty good.